Prevest DenPro Limited

Prevest DenPro Limited

Showing 26–50 of 64 results

  • Fusion Nanocoat

    Prevest DenPro Fusion Nanocoat Light Cured Protective Varnish Fusion Nano Coat is a revolutionary, light cured, protective coating which effectively seals the surface to create smooth and glossy surface on the glass ionomer and composite restorations. It can also be used to polish areas such as posterior fissures or interproximal areas of indirect composite restorations…

  • Fusion Self Lute

    Prevest DenPro Fusion Self Lute Self Curing / Chemical Curing Resin Based Luting Cement Self curing/chemical curing resin based composite adhesive luting cement. INDICATIONS Cementation of indirect restorations (inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, posts) made of: – Metal and metal ceramics – AII-ceramics – Composites Product Benefits Exceptional handling, especially with excess cement removal – Durability…

  • Fusion ultra D/C

    Fusion ultra D/C Dual Curing, Resin Based Luting Cement Low viscosity, light and chemical cure, radiopaque, two component micro fine hybrid composite for the adhesive luting of composite and ceramic restorations. INDICATIONS – Permanent cementation of crown, bridges and splints – Permanent cementation of endodontic posts made of metal, reinforced composite – Permanent cementation of…

  • Fusion Universal

    Fusion Universal Refills : 1 x Syringe, 4g, 1 x Instruction Manual Light Cured Universal Nano Hybrid Composite Fusion Universal is visible light cured, radiopaque, highly filled, fine hybrid composite restorative material for all cavity classes of anterior and posterior teeth. Indications Direct restoration of all cavity classes in anterior and posterior teeth – Preventive…

  • Hemostal

    Prevest DenPro Hemostal Gingival Retraction Solution Hemostal is 25% buffered aluminium chloride solution to stop / control gingival bleeding during restorative procedures, placement of metal bands, cervical matrices, and crown preparations. INDICATIONS – Liquid to stop minor gingival bleeding PRODUCT BENEFITS  Non staining unlike ferric sulphate which stains porcelain veneers and crowns – Effectively stops…

  • Hemostal Gel

    Prevest DenPro Hemostal Gel Gingival Retraction Gel Hemostal Gel is 25% buffered aluminium chloride thixotropic, non dripping gel for stopping minor gingival bleeding during restorative procedures, placement of metal bands, cervical matrices, and crown preparations. Excellent handling properties make it easy to place class V composite restorations, cementation and scaling in periodontics cases INDICATIONS –…

  • Hiflex Base Plates

    Prevest DenPro Hiflex Base Plates Hiflex Shellac Base Plates High quality natural shellac base plates used as an intermediate in making prosthesis. INDICATIONS – Custom impression trays for impressions of edentulous jaws – Manufacturing of wax bite registration templates – Modelling work PRODUCT BENEFITS High quality shellac for perfect results – Retains heat for a…

  • Hiflex Carving Wax

    Prevest DenPro Hiflex Carving Wax Dental Carving Wax Blocks Especially developed wax blocks to provide dental students with a wax suitable for carving tooth anatomy. INDICATIONS – Making tooth forms in the study of anatomy PRODUCT BENEFITS – – Bubble free – Does not chip or flakes – Takes polish while carving – Precise modellation…

  • Hiflex Green Sticks

    Prevest DenPro Hiflex Green Sticks Impression Tracing Sticks Thermoplastic sticks for functional and relining impressions and as a useful space maintainer. INDICATIONS  For border extensions on impression trays – Ideal for recording full depth of suclus – Modify dental tray by building up material where tooth has been extracted – Make functional and relining impressions…

  • Hiflex Impression Compound

    Prevest DenPro Hiflex Impression Compound Thermoplastic Impression Compound Red Color Thermoplastic impression material in the form of round plate cakes to take primary impression in edentulous cases. INDICATIONS – Correction models – Raising the edges of the impression – For primary impression in edentulous cases before preparing special tray PRODUCT BENEFITS – Easy to adjust…

  • Hiflex Modeling Wax

    Prevest DenPro Hiflex Modeling Wax Hiflex Shellac Base Plates Sheets of pink wax for modelling denture bases and acrylic saddle. INDICATIONS Vestibular parts of wax models of removable dentures – Pre-forms of jacket crowns – Modelling of acrylic saddle supporting the teeth – For occlusal registration (Bite Blocks) – Manufacturing of spacers for custom impression…

  • Hyposol

    Prevest DenPro Hyposol 3%, 5% Sodium Hypochlorite Solution – For disinfection of root canals – To irrigate canals after filling with appropriate chelating agent INDICATIONS – Root canal sealing using gutta purcha points Product Benefits  Irrigates root canal – Helps debride root canal – Disinfects root canal during instrumentation PACKAGING  1 x 500ml Plastic Bottle,…

  • Magma NT

    MAGMA NT Magma NT, Nano Ceramic Universal restorative is a visible light curing composite designed to use in anterior and posterior restorations. Magma NT is a low shrinkage composite in combination of nano silica and zirconia filler. Indications Direct anterior and posterior restorations – Core build-ups – Splinting – Indirect restorations Product Benefits – –…

  • Microgel SF

    Microgel SF Gel For Enamel Etching And Dentin Conditioning Green tinted viscous gel of 37% phosphoric acid with silica free composition recommended for use on enamel and dentine. Indications  For conditioning of both dental enamel and dentine surfaces before placing adhesive restoration Product Benefits High bond strength to both dentine and enamel Dual cure versatility…

  • Micron Bioactive

    Prevest DenPro Micron Bioactive Radiopaque Hydroxyapatite Modified-Glass Ionomer Cement, Restorative Micron Bioactive is a radiopaque, Hydroxyapatite Modified-Glass Ionomer Cement for restoration of primary teeth, core build up, restoration of class I, limited class II cavities and as a base and liner material. Hydroxyapatite provides a positive environment and indirectly decreases the caries susceptibility of individuals….

  • Micron Dentin Conditioner

    Prevest DenPro Micron Dentin Conditioner Polyacrylic Acid Cavity Conditioner Micron Dentin Conditioner is a mild polyacrylic acid solution designed to remove the dentinal smear layer and to condition dentine, thus enhancing the bond between glass ionomer cement and the dentine. INDICATIONS Removal of dentinal Smear Layer. – To Condition the dentine. PRODUCT BENEFITS Polyacrylic Acid…

  • Micron Luting

    Prevest DenPro Micron Micron Luting Translucent Fine Particle Glass Ionomer Luting Cement Micron Luting is a convenient self curing, fine particle, fluoride releasing, glass ionomer luting cement for crowns, bridges, securing inlays, onlays, post and orthodontic brackets. INDICATIONS – Cementation of inlays, onlays and crowns – Cementation of posts and screws – Attachment of metal…

  • Micron Silver

    Prevest DenPro Micron Silver Radiopaque Silver Alloy-Glass Ionomer Cement, Restorative Micron Silver is PRE MIXED radiopaque, silver alloy Glass Ionomer Cement for restoration of primary teeth, core build up, restoration of class I, limited class II cavities and as a base and liner material. Micron silver which is reinforced with spherical silver alloy has high…

  • Micron Superior capsule

    Prevest DenPro Micron Superior capsule Aesthetic Fine Particle Glass lonomer Restorative Material Micron Superior capsule is a capsulated, prefilled, radiopaque Glass Ionomer Cement for restoration of primary teeth, core build up, restoration of class III, V and limited class I Cavities. INDICATIONS  Restoration of primary teeth – Core build up – Restoration of class III,…

  • MTA Plus

    Prevest DenPro MTA Plus Vital Pulp Therapy & Root Treatment Material MTA Plus is a specialized dental cement derived from advanced material research in inorganic hydraulic powder technology. MTA Plus is indicated for both vital pulp therapy and Endodontic procedures. INDICATIONS Cavity lining/base & Pulp-capping – Pulpotomies & Obturation/Sealing – Apexification & Root-end filling –…

  • NanoSeal-S

    Prevest DenPro NanoSeal-S VPS Root Canal Sealer NanoSeal-S is a cold flowable polydimethylsiloxane based root canal sealer with micro silver. INDICATIONS – Root canal sealing using gutta purcha points Product Benefits – Radiopaque and eugenol free – Excellent flow – Expands by 0.2% to give a tight seal PACKAGING Manual Mix : 1 x 10g…

  • Orafil LC

    Prevest DenPro Orafil LC Light Cured, Temporary Filling Material Orafil-LC is a light-curing material for temporary filling and sealing. The elastic consistency assures an easy removal, even in case of undercuts, and finishing the cavity is not necessary. Thus the fitting of the temporary filling will be improved. Orafil-LC is available in syringes for direct…

  • Orafil-G

    Prevest DenPro Orafil-G Temporary Filling Material Ready to use zinc sulphate cement for provisional filling and temporary insertion of permanent crowns and bridges. INDICATIONS – Temporary restoration of cavities in interval between tooth preparation and permanent cementation – Cementing medium for temporary purpose, inserting all types of permanent crowns and bridges PRODUCT BENEFITS Non eugenol…

  • Orafil-Plus

    Prevest DenPro Orafil-Plus Temporary Filling Material Ready to use zinc sulphate cement for provisional filling and temporary insertion of permanent crowns and bridges. INDICATIONS – Temporary restoration of cavities in interval between tooth preparation and permanent cementation – Cementing medium for temporary purpose, inserting all types of permanent crowns and bridges PRODUCT BENEFITS Non eugenol…

  • Oratemp C&B

    Prevest DenPro Oratemp C&B Temporary Crown and Bridge Material OraTemp C&B (crown and bridge material) is a composite material for the fabrication of temporary restorations. Based on multi-functional methacrylate esters, this two-component system has filling material-like properties. With the help of dispensing gun, the material can be applied directly from the cartridge without causing any…